3. DigitMarket™ API Documentation

3.1. Overview

DigitMarket™ APIs allow you to showcase your products on the Digit Market storefront and build customer-facing shopping experiences that cater to their requirements, and ensure a smooth and consistent user journey on the storefront.

3.1.1. Authentication

Depending on user’s requirements, choose either basic authorization or the Bearer authorization method to access the DigitMarket™ APIs.

Basic Authorization

The user can access the exposed REST APIs by entering the username and password.

Bearer (apiKey) Authorization

When using the Bearer authorization, consuming applications must generate auth/bearer token using the registration API and then attach the bearer token in the Authorization header to consume the exposed APIs.


Providing an authentication token with the request is necessary for all the registered users who want to access the DigitMarket™ APIs.

Here is a sample request call to ‘Login as a customer’ API with bearer token passed in Authorization header:

Sample Request

<base URL>/customer2/login
  • Bearer (apiKey)
  • Name: Authorization
  • In: header
  • Value: 16b746f8311e7f4d969fbd37e20e16570712

Sample Response

   "message":"You've Successfully Logged in",


Password is mandatory if any customer is registered using their phone number and password
Password is not required if any customer registered with OTP

3.1.2. Accessing DigitMarket™ APIs

  1. To view the list of APIs, access the Swagger UI by hitting the URL <base URL>/swagger.
  2. Register as a customer using the customer registration API. Refer the Register Customer section to view the steps. Upon successful registration, an authorization key will be generated.
  3. Click Authorize.

Fig. 3.1 API’s

The Authorization window displays to show the available authorizations.

Fig. 3.2 Authorize User

  1. In the Value box, enter the authorization key that was generated during registration.
  2. Click Close. You will now be able to access all the APIs that require authorization.
  3. Once you are registered as a customer, in order to access some of the DigitMarket™ APIs, you will need to login using the Customer Login API to generate the Authorization key. Refer the Customer Login section to view the steps. Upon successful login, an authorization key will be generated.


All the APIs listed in the following sections are accessible in the form of a Postman Collection that can be accessed by the URL- https://www.getpostman.com/collections/70a049f7d8d7d3414816

Go to Postman → Import → Import from Link.

Enter the above URL and press Import to import the collection.

3.1.3. Using the API

Base URL

All URLs referenced in the documentation have the following base URL:

http(s)://<ip address>:<port number>/


Expected response is a JSON structure containing a list of parameter values.

3.1.4. Customer APIs

These set of APIs help to onboard a customer into the DigitMarket™ store front. Register Customer

This API is used for registering a new customer to a store. It collects basic information necessary to onboard a new customer to the store.

POST   register

Resource URI

<base URL>/customer2/register

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication No

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
store_id integer yes id of the store to which the customer is to be added. Store_id is dependend on create store. Use Store Save api to get the store id
phone_number string yes phone number of the customer max length is 15 min. length is 1
contact_email string yes email address of the customer max length is 320 min length is 1
require_password boolean no specifies whether password is required. Default value is false.
password string no password of the account max length: 20 min length: 1
salutation array of string no salutation of customer. Default value is Mx. Available values are Mx., Ms., Mr., Mrs., Dr., Miss., Master.
first_name string no first name of the customer min length: 1
last_name string no last name of the customer min length: 1
company_name string no name of the customer’s company min length: 1
contact_display_name string yes contact display name of the customer for this registration min length: 1


Customer should be registered using the registration API and then login to get the auth_token. Once the authorization is done, all the other APIs will accept the auth_token, and automatically retrieve basic customer information.

Error Codes:

400, 401, 404, 409, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
409 email id already exists email id already registered
409 phone number already exists phone number already registered
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/customer2/register

Example Body


Example Response

  "message": ""You are Successfully Registered.Please verify your account before login to your account""
} Customer Login

This API is used to sign in customers to the storefront.

POST   login

Resource URI

<base URL>/customer2/login

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication No

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
store_id integer yes id of the store to which the customer is to be added. Store_id is dependend on create store. Use Store Save api to get the store id
login_id string yes get the login_id as phone number or email by registering using Customer Register api with max. length of 320 min. length is 1
password string yes/no password of the account. It will be mandatory if the user has chosen username and password as login criteria and if the required_password field in true. This field can have max length: 20 and min length: 6


Customer Login API returns an auth_token which will be used in the subsequent APIs that follow.

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/customer2/login

Example Body


Example Response

 "message":"You've Successfully Logged in",


Password is mandatory if any customer is registered using their phone number and password
Password is not required if any customer registered with OTP Customer Login

GET   login

Resource URI

<base URL>/customer2/login

Resource Information

Method GET
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
store_id string yes id of the store to which the customer is to be added
phone_number string yes phone number of the customer


It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Error Codes

400, 401

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 authentication token required authentication token is not entered
401 invalid authentication token incorrect Auth Token entered

Example Request

<base URL>/customer2/login

Example Response

         "This field is required."
         "This field is required."
} Customer Details

This API returns the profile related information of a customer.

GET   customer_details

Resource URI

<base URL>/customer2/customer_details

Resource Information

Method GET
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

No parameters are required to be passed.


It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Error Codes

400, 401

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 authentication token required authentication token is not entered
401 invalid authentication token incorrect Auth token entered

Example Request

<base URL>/customer2/customer_details

Example Response

} Change Password

This API is used for Reseting Customer’s Password.

POST   change_password

Resource URI

<base URL> /customer2/change_password

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
store_id integer yes id of the store to which the customer is to be added. Store_id is dependend on create store. Use using the api: Store Save api to get the store id
login_id string yes get the login_id as phone number or email by regisistering using Customer Register api with max.length is 320 and min. length is 1
old_password string yes to get the old password with max. length 20 and min. length is 6
new_password string yes to get the old password with max length 20 and min. length is 6

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL> customer2/change_password

Example Body

  **Example Response**
"message": "Password has been Changed"

Send Password Link

This API is used for sending Reset password link for the Customer.

POST   send_forgot_password_link

Resource URI

<base URL> /customer2/send_forgot_password_link

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication No

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
store_id integer yes id of the store to which the customer is to be added. Store_id is dependend on create store using the api: /store2/api/store_save e_save
login_id string no get the login_id as phone number or email by regisistering using Customer Register api with max. length is 320 and min. length is 1. With max. length of 320 and min. length

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL> /customer2/send_forgot_password_link

Example Body

  **Example Response**
   "message":"Email Sent Successfully"

Reset Password

This API is used for sending Reset password link for the Customer.

POST   reset_password

Resource URI

<base URL>/customer2/reset_password

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication No

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
store_id integer yes id of the store to which the customer is to be added. Store_id is dependend on create store using the api: /store2/api/store_save e_save
login_id string no get the login_id as phone number or email by regisistering using Customer Register api with max. length is 320 and min. length is 1. With max. length of 320 and min. length
old_password string yes to get the old password. With the max. length of 20 and min. length of 6
new_password string no to get the old password. With the max. length of 20 and min. length of 6

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/customer2/reset_password

Example Body


  **Example Response**
   "message": "Password has been changed"
} Get Rating Scale

This API is to get list of rating scale.

POST   getRatingScale

Resource URI

<base URL> /comms/api/getRatingScale

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication No

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
scale_type string yes displays the scale type
feedback boolean no enable or display to display the queries
store_id integer yes id of the store. Store_id is dependend on create store using the api: Use Store Save api to get the store id

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL> /comms/api/getRatingScale

Example Body


Example Response

"message":"Rating Scale Retrieved Sucessfully",
        "name":"Very Poor",
              "question":"please select option what was wrong",
                    "option_name":"Delivery Time",
                    "option_name":"Product Package",
                    "option_name":"Product Price",
              "question":"please help us to improve ",

              "question":"please select below points was not good?",
                    "option_name":"Delivery Speed",
              "question":"please provide comments",

              "question":"What went wrong?",
                    "option_name":"Price too heigh",
                    "option_name":"Delivery Time ",
                    "option_name":"Product Quality",
              "question":"please provide comments",

              "question":"please select below points which you liked most",
                    "option_name":"Delivery Speed",
              "question":"any comments",

        "name":"Very Good",
              "question":"What you liked Most?",
                    "option_name":"Delivery Speed",
              "question":"Any Comments",

              "question":"select things went well",
                    "option_name":"delivery speed",
              "question":"please any comments",

        "question":"please select what went well?",
              "option_name":"Delivery Speed",
        "question":"please select what was not good",
              "option_name":"Delivery Speed",
        "question":"any comments",
 } Save Rating Feedback

This API is used to save ratings and feeddbacks from the Customer.

POST   saveRatingFeedback

Resource URI

<base URL>/comms/api/saveRatingFeedback

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication No

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
rated_user_type string yes displays the ratings of the user min. length is 1
store_id integer yes id of the store to which the customer is to be added. Store_id is dependend on create store. Use Store Save api to get the store id
customer_id integer yes id of the customer. Use customer register api to get customer id
order_id integer no id of the order. Use create order api to get the order id
rating_id integer yes the id of rating
feedback_query feedback string no displays feedback queries
question_id string
question_type string
feedback_options array of sring

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/comms/api/saveRatingFeedback

Example Body


**Example Response**
 "message":"Rating Created"
} Get Rating Feedback

This API is used to get ratings and feedback from the Customer.

POST   getRatingFeedback

Resource URI

<base URL> /comms/api/getRatingFeedback

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
rated_user_type string yes displays the ratings of the user min. length is 1
store_id integer yes id of the store to which the customer is to be added. Store_id is dependend on create store using the api: /store2/api/store_save
customer_id integer yes id of the customer. Use Customer Register api to get customer id
order_id integer nos id of the order. Use create order api to get the order id

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/comms/api/getRatingFeedback

Example Body


Example Response

 "message":"Rating Retrieved Sucessfully",
             "question__question":"please select option what was wrong",

             "question__question":"please select what was not good",
                   "option_name":"Delivery Speed",
             "question__question":"please help us to improve ",

             "question__question":"any comments",

             "question__question":"please select what went well?",
                   "option_name":"Delivery Speed",
} Account Verification

Using this API customer can verify before logging in to the registered account. A verification link will be sent to the registered email.

POST   Account_Verification

Resource URI

<base URL> /generic/api/Account_Verification

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication No

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
approver_type string yes displays the type of the approver
approval_type array of string yes provide a value from the list. Available values are customer, product
approval_for string yes provide a value from the list. Available values are customer_login, reset_password, product_publishing
approval_identifier string yes this field value will depend on the value chosen on the approval_for field
store_id integer yes displays the id of the store

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL> /generic/api/Account_Verification

Example Body

  "store_id": 1,
  "approval_identifier": "xx@yy.com",
  "approver_type": "customer",
  "approval_for": "customer_login",
  "approval_type": "email

Example Response

  "message": "Customer is already Active"

3.1.5. Customer Address APIs

These set of APIs help to enter customer’s address details. Add customer address

This API is used to add a new address for a customer.

POST   add_address

Resource URI

<base URL>/customer2/add_address

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
house_number string yes house number of the customer max length: 100 min length: 1
street string yes name of the street where the customer lives max length: 100 min length: 1
locality string yes name of the locality where the customer lives max length: 100 min length: 1
city string yes name of the city where the customer lives max length: 100 min length: 1
state string yes name of the state where the customer lives max length: 100 min length: 1
zipcode string yes zip code of the place where the customer lives max length: 15 min length: 1
country string yes name of the country where the customer lives max length: 25 min length: 1
default boolean no specifies if this is the default address
address_type array of string no specifies the type of address. Available values are: Work, Home and Other.
contact_number string no phone number of the customer max length is 15 min. length is 1


It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 authentication token required authentication token not entered
400 ensure this field has no more than 15 characters value specified exceeds the requirements
400 ensure this field has no more than 100 characters value specified exceeds the requirements
400 is not a valid choice specified value not listed in the array
400 This field may not be blank value not entered in required field
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/customer2/add_address

Example Body

 "house_number": "A-101, Shreeram",
 "street": "sector xx",
 "locality": "xx road",
 "city": "Bengaluru",
 "zipcode": "500000",
 "state": "Karnataka",
 "country": "India",
 "default": true,
 "address_type": "Home",
 "contact_number": "5100000000"

Example Response

   "message": "Added Address Successfully",
   "address": {
     "address_id": 247,
     "house_number": "A-101, Shreeram",
     "street": "sector xx",
     "locality": "xx road",
     "city": "Bengaluru",
     "state": "Karnataka",
     "country": "India",
     "default": true,
     "address_type": "Home",
     "zipcode": "500000",
     "contact_number": "5100000000"
} List customer address

This API is used to list all the addresses that a customer has added.

GET   list_address

Resource URI

<base URL>/customer2/list_address

Resource Information

Method GET
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

No parameters are required to be passed.


It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/customer2/list_address

Example Response

  "message":"Address set as Default Successfully",
       "house_number":"A-102, Prestine",
       "street":"Dodda Banaswadi Main road",
} Get default address

This API is used to return the default address of the customer.

GET   default_address

Resource URI

<base URL>/customer2/default_address

Resource Information

Method GET
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

No parameters are required to be passed.


It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Error Codes

400, 401

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 authentication token required authentication token not entered
401 invalid authentication token incorrect Auth Token entered

Example Request

<base URL>/customer2/default_address

Example Response

   "message":"Default Address Retrieved Successfully",
      "street":"xxxxx street",
} Set default address

This API is used to set an address as the default address of the customer.

POST   set_default_address

Resource URI

<base URL>/customer2/set_default_address

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
address_id integer yes id of the default address. Use add address api to get addrees id


The identifier of the address is passed along with the body.
It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Error Codes

400, 401

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 address with address_id:7 does not exist incorrect address id entered
400 authentication token required authentication token not entered
401 invalid authentication token incorrect auth token entered

Example Request

<base URL>/customer2/set_default_address

Example Body

  "address_id": 248

Example Response

   "message":"Address set as Default Successfully",
      "house_number":"A-102, Prestine",
      "street":"Dodda Banaswadi Main road",
}} Delete address

This API is used to delete an address based on the identifier passed.

POST   delete_address

Resource URI

<base URL>/customer2/delete_address

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
address_id integer yes id of the default address. Use add address api to get addrees id


It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/customer2/delete_address

Example Body

  "address_id": 247

Example Response

   "message":"Address deleted successfully"
} Modify address

This API is used to modify all the fields in the address based on the identifier passed.

POST   modify_address

Resource URI

<base URL>/customer2/modify_address

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
address_id integer yes id of the store to which the customer is to be added. id of the default address. Use add address api to get addrees id
house_number string yes phone number of the customer max length: 100 min length: 1
street string yes name of the street where the customer lives max length: 100 min length: 1
locality string yes name of the locality where the customer lives max length: 100 min length: 1
city string yes name of the city where the customer lives max length: 100 min length: 1
state string yes name of the state where the customer lives max length: 100 min length: 1
zipcode string yes zip code of the place where the customer lives max length: 15 min length: 1
country string yes name of the country where the customer lives max length: 25 min length: 1
default boolean no specifies if this is the default address
address_type array of string no specifies the type of address. Available values are: Work, Home and Other.
contact_number string no the contact numbert of the customer max length: 25


It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Authentication token required authentication token not entered
400 Ensure this field has no more than 15 characters value specified exceeds the conditions
400 Ensure this field has no more than 100 characters value specified exceeds the conditions
400 Is not a valid choice specified value not listed in the array
400 This field may not be blank value not entered in required field
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/customer2/modify_address

Example Body

  "house_number": "A-102, Prestine",
  "street": "xxxxx street Main road",
  "locality": "yyyy street main",
  "city": "Bengaluru",
  "zipcode": "500000",
  "state": "Karnataka",
  "country": "India",
  "default": true,
  "address_type": "Home",
  "contact_number": "5100000000",
  "address_id": 248

Example Response

  "message": "Updated Address Successfully",
  "address": {
    "address_id": 248,
    "house_number": "A-102, Prestine",
    "street": "xxxxx street Main road",
    "locality": "yyyy street main",
    "city": "Bengaluru",
    "state": "Karnataka",
    "country": "India",
    "default": true,
    "address_type": "Home",
    "zipcode": "500000",
    "contact_number": "5100000000"

3.1.6. Customer Wish-list APIs

These set of APIs help to view/empty/modify a customer’s wish-list. List Wish-list

GET   list_wishlist

This API is used to list all the items that a customer has wish-listed.

Resource URI

<base URL>/customer2/list_wishlist

Resource Information

Method GET
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

No parameters are required to be passed.


It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Error Codes

400, 401

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/customer2/list_wishlist

Example Response


"message": "Wishlisted Products Retrived Successfully",
"total_number_of_products": 2,
"products": [
    "product_info": {
      "product_name": "Sukran Homes ",
      "product_id": 52,
      "storeid": 1,
      "product_data": {
        "52": [
        "attribute_data": {
          "prod disp pic": {
            "display_image": [
        "meta_data": [
            "attr_name": "product_id",
            "attr_type": "product_id",
            "attr_value": [
            "attr_name": "product_name",
            "attr_type": "product_name",
            "attr_value": "Sukran Homes "
            "attr_name": "prod disp pic",
            "attr_type": "display_image",
            "attr_value": [
      "product_type": "5",
      "product_rating": 5,
      "num_users_rated": 1,
      "bookable_enum_attribute_values": [],
      "form": [],
      "category_id": 59,
      "price": "375300",
      "date": "2020-02-13T10:08:53.179874Z",
      "product_group_id": 152,
      "product_belonging_name": "Shatru Sukran Home Pack New",
      "product_atrribute_values": [
          "attr_name": "Price",
          "attr_type": "price",
          "attr_value": "375300"
          "attr_name": "On_Offer",
          "attr_type": "on_offer",
          "attr_value": null
          "attr_name": "Offer_Name",
          "attr_type": "offer_name",
          "attr_value": "Currently not on offer"
          "attr_name": "Offer_Price",
          "attr_type": "offer_price",
          "attr_value": "375300"
          "attr_name": "Offer_Discount",
          "attr_type": "offer_discount",
          "attr_value": "0"
          "attr_name": "Offer_Start_Date",
          "attr_type": "offer_start_date",
          "attr_value": ""
          "attr_name": "Offer_End_Date",
          "attr_type": "offer_end_date",
          "attr_value": ""
          "attr_name": "prod disp img",
          "attr_type": "display_image",
          "attr_value": "image_filelocation/image_name1,image_filelocation/image_name2,image_filelocation/image_name3,image_filelocation/image_name4"
    "publisher_info": {
      "publisher_name": "Mohammed Ali",
      "publisher_type": 3,
      "publisher_id": 1,
      "publisher_rating": 5,
      "num_users_rated": 1
    "product_info": {
      "product_name": "All  in one - House maintenance",
      "product_id": 68,
      "storeid": 1,
      "product_data": {
        "68": [
        "attribute_data": {
          "Dis Img": {
            "display_image": [
        "meta_data": [
            "attr_name": "product_id",
            "attr_type": "product_id",
            "attr_value": [
            "attr_name": "product_name",
            "attr_type": "product_name",
            "attr_value": "All  in one - House maintenance"
            "attr_name": "Dis Img",
            "attr_type": "display_image",
            "attr_value": [
      "product_type": "6",
      "product_rating": 5,
      "num_users_rated": 1,
      "bookable_enum_attribute_values": [
          "option": "Morning",
          "start_range": "9:00am",
          "end_range": "12:30pm",
          "image_path": null,
          "redirect_url": null,
          "product_attribute_id": 729,
          "slots": [
              "start_time": "09:00:00AM",
              "end_time": "10:00:00AM"
              "start_time": "10:00:00AM",
              "end_time": "11:00:00AM"
              "start_time": "11:00:00AM",
              "end_time": "12:00:00PM"
          "total_slots": 3
          "option": "Mid-Day",
          "start_range": "2:00pm",
          "end_range": "5:00pm",
          "image_path": null,
          "redirect_url": null,
          "product_attribute_id": 729,
          "slots": [
              "start_time": "14:00:00PM",
              "end_time": "15:00:00PM"
              "start_time": "15:00:00PM",
              "end_time": "16:00:00PM"
              "start_time": "16:00:00PM",
              "end_time": "17:00:00PM"
          "total_slots": 3
          "option": "01/22/2020",
          "start_range": "",
          "end_range": "",
          "image_path": null,
          "redirect_url": null,
          "product_attribute_id": 731,
          "slots": [],
          "total_slots": 0
          "option": "01/23/2020",
          "start_range": "",
          "end_range": "",
          "image_path": null,
          "redirect_url": null,
          "product_attribute_id": 731,
          "slots": [],
          "total_slots": 0
          "option": "Friday",
          "start_range": "",
          "end_range": "",
          "image_path": null,
          "redirect_url": null,
          "product_attribute_id": 732,
          "slots": [],
          "total_slots": 0
      "form": [],
      "category_id": 25,
      "price": "15",
      "date": "2020-05-07T09:37:47.773401Z",
      "product_group_id": 168,
      "product_belonging_name": "All In one cleaners",
      "product_atrribute_values": [
          "attr_name": "Price",
          "attr_type": "price",
          "attr_value": "15"
          "attr_name": "On_Offer",
          "attr_type": "on_offer",
          "attr_value": null
          "attr_name": "Offer_Name",
          "attr_type": "offer_name",
          "attr_value": "Currently not on offer"
          "attr_name": "Offer_Price",
          "attr_type": "offer_price",
          "attr_value": "15"
          "attr_name": "Offer_Discount",
          "attr_type": "offer_discount",
          "attr_value": "0"
          "attr_name": "Offer_Start_Date",
          "attr_type": "offer_start_date",
          "attr_value": ""
          "attr_name": "Offer_End_Date",
          "attr_type": "offer_end_date",
          "attr_value": ""
          "attr_name": "Booking Product Name",
          "attr_type": "booking_product_name",
          "attr_value": "Initial check"
          "attr_name": "Delay Booking In Mins",
          "attr_type": "delay_booking_in_mins",
          "attr_value": "30"
          "attr_name": "Max Booking Window In Days",
          "attr_type": "max_booking_window_in_days",
          "attr_value": "30"
          "attr_name": "Slot Duration In Mins",
          "attr_type": "slot_duration_in_mins",
          "attr_value": "60"
          "attr_name": "Image",
          "attr_type": "display_image",
          "attr_value": "image_filelocation/image_name"
    "publisher_info": {
      "publisher_name": "ADCB B2C Marketplace",
      "publisher_type": 2,
      "publisher_id": 1,
      "publisher_rating": 5,
      "num_users_rated": 1
} Empty Wish list

This API removes everything that was added into the wish list of the customer.

DELETE   empty_wishlist

Resource URI

<base URL>/customer2/empty_wishlist

Resource Information

Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

No parameters are required to be passed.


It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Error Codes

400, 401

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 authentication token required authentication token not entered
401 invalid authentication token incorrect Auth Token entered

Example Request

<base URL>/customer2/empty_wishlist

Example Response

   "message":"Wishlist Emptied"
} Wish-list Item

This API accepts a product identifier and adds the corresponding product to the customer’s wish-list.

POST   wishlist_item

Resource URI

<base URL>/customer2/wishlist_item

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
product_id integer yes id of the product. Use Create Product api to get the product id
product_group_id integer yes id of the product group
product_belonging_name string yes name of the product owner


It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/customer2/wishlist_item

Example Body

   "product_belonging_name":"fresh carps"

Example Response

  "message": "Product Added to Wishlist"
} Modify Wish-list

This API deletes an item that was added to the Wish List.

POST   delete_wishlist_items

Resource URI

<base URL>/customer2/delete_wishlist_item

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
product_id integer yes id of the product. Use Create Product api to get the product id
product_group_id integer yes id of the product group
product_belonging_name string yes name of the product owner


It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/customer2/delete_wishlist_item

Example Body

    "product_id": 47,
    "product_group_id": 1147,
    "product_belonging_name": "fresh carps"

Example Response

   "message": "Product Deleted from Wishlist Successfully"

3.1.7. Cart Management APIs

These set of APIs help to manage a customer’s wish-list. Add products to cart

This API enables a customer to pass a product/list of products that has to be added to the cart. If an item already exists in the cart then the quantities are added up.

POST   add_product_to_cart

Resource URI

<base URL>/customer2/add_product_to_cart

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
product_id integer yes id of the product. Use Create Product api to get the product id
quantity integer no amount of product available in the store
product_group_id integer yes id of the product group
product_belonging_name string yes name of the product owner


It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 authentication token required authentication token is not entered
401 invalid authentication token incorrect Auth token entered
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/customer2/add_product_to_cart


Details required to pass in the body can be taken Search Product from API.

Example Body

   "product_belonging_name":"Tuna Saltwater Fish"

Example Response

   "message":"Successfully Added"
} List cart products

This API lists all the products that a customer has in his cart along with some relevant information of the products.

GET   list_cart_products

Resource URI

<base URL>/customer2/list_cart_products

Resource Information

Method GET
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

No parameters are required to be passed.


It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 authentication token required authentication token is not entered
401 invalid authentication token incorrect Auth token entered
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/customer2/list_cart_products

Example Response

   "message":"List of Products Retrived Successfully",

} Modify/Delete items

This API allows you to modify the cart.

POST   modify_or_delete_cart_products

Resource URI

<base URL>/customer2/modify_or_delete_cart_products

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication. Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
product_id integer yes id of the product. Use Create Product api to get the product id
quantity integer no amount of product available in the store
delete boolean no specifies if the product needs to be deleted. The delete flag if set to true will delete the corresponding item from the cart. If the delete is set to false, quantity must be specified in the body parameters so as to update the quantity.
product_group_id integer yes id of the product group
product_belonging_name string yes name of the product length is 200 with min. length of 1


It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/customer2/modify_or_delete_cart_products

Example Body

   "product_id": 47,
   "product_group_id": 1147,
   "product_belonging_name": "fresh carps",
   "delete": 1

Example Response

   "message": "Product Deleted Successfully"

} Empty cart

This API removes all the items from the cart.

DELETE   delete_all_products_from_cart

Resource URI

<base URL>/customer2/delete_all_products_from_cart

Resource Information

Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

No parameters are required to be passed.


It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/customer2/delete_all_products_from_cart

Example Response

   "message":"Emptied the basket successfully"

3.1.8. Customer Order APIs

These set of APIs help to manage customer orders. Create Order

This API allows a customer to create an order. It accepts a list of products that a customer might wish to order and places the order.

POST   create_order

Resource URI

<base URL>/customer2/create_order

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
total_mrp number yes total max. retail price of the product
total_discount_price number yes total discount price oonf the product
products product_id integer yes id of the product. Use Create Product api to get the product id
  product_group_id integer yes id of the product group
  product_belonging_name string yes name of the product min length is 1
  quantity integer no amount of product available in the store min length is 0
  product_media string no the media of the product min length is 1
  mrp number yes maximum retail price of the product
  discount_price number yes discount price of the product
  booking date string yes the date of booking
    time string yes the time of booking
  on_offer boolean no the product in offer default value is false
  offer name string no the name of the offer max length is 40 min length is 1
  discount_percentage number no the discounted ra te in percentage is 40 min length is 1
  shipping address integer no the address to product needs to ship
  customer_id integer no the id of the customer
  has_formset_data boolean no the formset information
payment_option string no payment option for the storefront users
contact_number string no phone number of the customer min length is 1
billing_address integer no the billing address of the customer
shipping_address integer no the billing address of the customer
delivery slot date string yes the date of the delivery slot
  time string yes the time of the delivery slot
  slot string yes the time of the delivery slot
  slot id integer yes the delivery slot id


It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/customer2/create_order

Example Body

   "delivery_charges": 49,
   "total_discount_price": "350.00",
   "payment_option": "Online",
   "billing_address": 244,
   "delivery_slot": {
    "date": "2021-07-29",
    "time": "07:00",
      "slot_id": 1,
    "slot": "07:00 - 07:30"
  "total_mrp": "350.00",
  "products": [{
   "product_group_id": 1147,
   "quantity": 1,
   "on_offer": "off",
   "discount_price": "350.00",
   "product_id": 47,
   "product_belonging_name": "fresh carps",
   "mrp": "350.00",
   "discount_percentage": "0.00",
   "shipping_address": 244,
   "offer_name": "Currently not on offer"

Example Response

    "message": "Order Created Successfully",
    "order_id": 637
} List customer order

This API lists all the orders of the customer. This will also contain details regarding all the items that is contained in the order.

GET   list_customer_orders

Resource URI

<base URL>/customer2/list_customer_orders

Resource Information

Method GET
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

No parameters are required to be passed.


It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/customer2/list_customer_orders

Example Response

   "message":"No Orders"


   "message":"Retrieved Sucessfully",
               "publisher_name":"Fisheries Vendor",
               "product_belonging_name":"fresh carps",
               "status":"Order Placed",
               "shipper_id":"ABC Shipping",
               "current_module_name":"Order Placed",
               "journey_created_on":"2021-06-30 09:32:40",
                     "module_name":"Order Placed",
                     "module_name":"Order InTransit",
                     "module_name":"Out For Delivery",
                     "module_name":"Order Complete",

3.1.9. Store APIs

These set of APIs help to manage store related activities. Fetch Store

This API is used to fetch store.

POST   fetch store

Resource URI

<base URL>/product2/api/fetch_store

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
store_id integer yes id of the store. Store_id is dependend on create store. Use Store Save api to get the store id


It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 authentication token required authentication token is not entered
401 invalid authentication token incorrect Auth token entered
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/customer2/fetch_store

Example Body


Example Response

      "store_name":"XXXX FishLand",

            "attribute_name":"Parts Of The Day",
                  "option":"Early Morning"
                  "option":"Mid Day"
            "attribute_name":"Exclude Dates",
            "attribute_name":"Exclude Days",
} Fetch Category

This API returns all categories (up to 2 levels) related to that store. The API can be used to drill down to any specific category and also define the number of levels you want to see from that category.

POST   level_based_category

Resource URI

<base URL>/product2/api/level_based_category

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
store_id integer yes id of the store. Store_id is dependend on create store. Use Store Save api to get the store id
category_id integer no id of the category
level integer no level of the category
product_type integer no type of product


It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/product2/api/level_based_category

Example Body


Example Response



         "category_name":"DSLR Cameras",


} Fetch Product

This API returns the product related to a particular store and allows the user to drill down at category, product, publisher and exact publishing granularity. The API also takes an option query parameter to support facets and custom filtering. You can also pass a product type parameter to get the exact type of products. The list of product types that are currently supported are: Service Product, Buyable Product, Subscription Product, Product Application and Packaged product.

POST   search_product

Resource URI

<base URL>/product2/api/search_product

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
store_id integer yes id of the store. Store_id is dependend on create store. Use Store Save api to get the store id


It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/product2/api/search_product

Example Body


Example Response

   "product_name":"Sukran Homes ",
         "prod disp pic":{
            "attr_value":"Sukran Homes "
            "attr_name":"prod disp pic",


      "product_name":"Interior Tour",
               "attr_value":"Interior Tour"



POST   search_product

Resource URI

<base URL>/product2/api/v2/search_product

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication No

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
store_id integer yes id of the store to which the customer is to be added. Store_id is dependend on create store. Use Store Save api to get the store id
product_id string no id of the product or list of ids
product_group_id string no id of the product group or list of group ids with max length is 200 min. length is 1
product _belonging_name string no product owner name max length is 200 min. length is 1
category_id integer yes id of the category. Use Create Category api to get the category id
product_id string no id of the product or list of ids
product_group_id string no id of the product group or list of group ids with max length is 200 min. length is 1
product _belonging_name string no product owner name max length is 200 min. length is 1
category_id integer yes id of the category. Use Create Category api to get the category id
level integer no displays the level of the category
parent_category _hierarchy integer no the hierarchy of the parent level
publisher_information _id integer no the id of the publisher information
product_type string no displays the type of the product
category_facets_query array of string no  
input_category_facets array of string no  

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/product2/api/v2/search_product

Example Body

      "store_id": "1",
      "category_id": "7",
      "level": 2,
      "parent_category_hierarchy": "25",
      "product_id": 47,
      "product_belonging_name": "fresh carps 2kg",
      "product_group_id": 1147

Example Response


                         "Product Image":{
                            "attr_name":"Product Image",


                                              "product_form_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                              "product_form_scope":"To All",
                                                    "attribute_description":"direct from sea",
                                                    "attribute_name":"Short Description",
                                                    "attribute_value":"direct from sea",
                                                    "attribute_description":"June offer",
                                                    "attribute_value":"June offer",
                                                    "attribute_name":"Profile Image",
                                                    "attribute_name":"List Image",
                                                    "attribute_name":"Stock Quantity",
                                                    "attribute_name":"Apply Delivery Charge",
                                                    "attribute_name":"Is Slashable",
                                                    "attribute_name":"Is Fixed Price",
                                                    "attribute_name":"Is Watchable",
                                                    "attribute_name":"Watchable Content",
                                                    "attribute_name":"Is a Game",
                                                    "attribute_name":"Game URL",
                                                    "attribute_name":"Is Region Restricted",
                                        "product_formset_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                        "product_formset_scope":"To All",
                                              "product_form_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                              "product_form_scope":"To All",
                                                    "attribute_description":"2 Kg",
                                                    "attribute_name":"Net Weight",
                                                    "attribute_value":"2 Kg",
                                                    "attribute_description":"Curry Cut",
                                                    "attribute_value":"Curry Cut",
                                        "product_formset_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                        "product_formset_scope":"To All",
                                              "product_form_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                              "product_form_scope":"To All",
                                                    "attribute_description":"<p>fresh sea food</p>",
                                                    "attribute_value":"<p>fresh sea food</p>",
                                        "product_formset_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                        "product_formset_scope":"To All",
                                        "product_formset_belonging_name":"What you get",
                                              "product_form_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                              "product_form_scope":"To All",
                                        "product_formsetname":"What you get",
                                        "product_formset_storefront_ui_name":"What you get",
                                        "product_formset_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                        "product_formset_scope":"To All",
                                              "product_form_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                              "product_form_scope":"To All",
                                                    "attribute_description":"<p>from sea</p>",
                                                    "attribute_value":"<p>from sea</p>",
                                        "product_formset_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                        "product_formset_scope":"To All",

                                        "attr_name":"Short Description",
                                        "attr_value":"direct from sea",
                                        "attr_value":"June offer",
                                        "attr_name":"Net Weight",
                                        "attr_value":"2 Kg",
                                        "attr_value":"Curry Cut",
                                        "attr_value":"<p>fresh sea food</p>",
                                        "attr_value":"<p>from sea</p>",
                                        "attr_name":"Profile Image",
                                        "attr_name":"List Image",
                                        "attr_name":"Stock Quantity",
                                        "attr_name":"Apply Delivery Charge",
                                        "attr_name":"Is Slashable",
                                        "attr_name":"Is Fixed Price",
                                        "attr_name":"Is Watchable",
                                        "attr_name":"Watchable Content",
                                        "attr_name":"Is a Game",
                                        "attr_name":"Game URL",
                                        "attr_name":"Is Region Restricted",
                                  "product_belonging_name":"fresh carps 2kg",

                         "publisher_name":"Fisheries Vendor",

} Fetch Packaged products

This API fetches the individual products in the package (and their details) for any product id that is passed as argument. Using this API vendors can package a set of products and offer that as a single purchasable product.

POST   get_packaged_products

Resource URI

<base URL>/product2/api/get_packaged_products

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
store_id integer yes id of the store. Store_id is dependend on create store. Use Store Save api to get the store id


It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Error Codes


Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 authentication token required authentication token is not entered
401 invalid customer invalid login credentials are entered

Example Request

<base URL>/product2/api/get_packaged_products

Example Body


Example Response


                     "product_name":"Seafood combo 1",
                           "Product Image":{
                              "attr_value":"Seafood combo 1"
                              "attr_name":"Product Image",


                                                "product_form_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                                "product_form_scope":"To All",
                                                      "attribute_description":"Seafood combo 1",
                                                      "attribute_name":"Short Description",
                                                      "attribute_value":"Seafood combo 1",
                                                      "attribute_description":"Currently not on offer",
                                                      "attribute_value":"Currently not on offer",
                                                      "attribute_name":"Stock Quantity",
                                                      "attribute_name":"Apply Delivery Charge",
                                                      "attribute_name":"Is Slashable",
                                                      "attribute_name":"Is Fixed Price",
                                                      "attribute_name":"Is Region Restricted",
                                          "product_formset_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                          "product_formset_scope":"To All",

                                          "attr_name":"Short Description",
                                          "attr_value":"Seafood combo 1",
                                          "attr_value":"Currently not on offer",
                                          "attr_name":"Stock Quantity",
                                          "attr_name":"Apply Delivery Charge",
                                          "attr_name":"Is Slashable",
                                          "attr_name":"Is Fixed Price",
                                          "attr_name":"Is Region Restricted",
                                    "product_belonging_name":"Seafood combo 1",


} Store Save

This API is used to save the store in DigitMarket™ platform.

POST   store_save


A store turns active only if a store owner is associated with it
Only DM users can consume this API and create a store, hence a valid DM market user id is mandatory

Resource URI

<base URL>/store2/api/store_save

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication No

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
id integer no displays the id
store _name string yes the name of the store. Max. length is 128 and min. length is 1
resource_json string yes displays the resource json
storeType array of string no user can select the store type the available options are 1,2,0,4,5
store_status array of string no the status of the store the available options are 1,2,3
createdDate string no displays the date and time of the store created
lastupdated string no displays the last updated date and time of the store
ratings numberr no displays the ratings of the store
nums_users_rated integer no displays the number of users rated the store with a max of 2147483647 and min of -2147483648
onboard boolean no displays the onboard
onboard_status string no displays the onboard status with the max length of 254
tos string no rich text
policy string no displays the policy
is_merged boolean no is merged
trg_journey_status string no displays the traget of the journey store created
trg_journey_id string no displays the target journey id with the max length 20
store_url string no displays the store url with max. length 254
analytics_view boolean no  
analytics_url stringn no analytics url with max. length 254
onboard_process array of string no displays the onboard process with the values 1,2
application_id string no displays the application id with the max. length of 254
store_delivery_slotes string no displays the delivery slots of the store
store_type_ref integer no  
createdBy integer no  
usere_type integer no  

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/store2/api/store_save

Example Body


  **Example Response**


} Create Category

This API is used to create create category.

POST   create category

Resource URI

<base URL>/category2/api/create_category

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
category_name string yes displays the name of the category with the max. length of 50 and min. length is 3
parent_category integer no displays the name of the parent category
store_id integer yes id of the store to which the customer is to be added. Store_id is dependend on create store using the api: /store2/api/store_save
store_admin integer no displays ther name Use register api to get customer id
category_type string no display the type of the category with the min.length of 1
source string no name of the source with the min. length of 1
category_attributes array of sting no displays all the category attributes

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>category2/api/create_category

Example Body

       "attribute_name":"Category Image",
       "attribute_name":"Short Description",

**Example Response**
 "message":"Category and Category attribute created successfully",

             "attribute_name":"Short Description",

} Create Product

This API is used to create create product.

POST   create product

Resource URI*

<base URL>/product2​/api​/v2​/create_product

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
name string yes displays the name of the product with the max. length of 50 and min. length is 3
product_category integer yes displays the name of the product category
priceplan_category integer yes displays the name of the price paln
store_id integer yes id of the store to which the customer is to be added. Store_id is dependend on create store using the api: /store2/api/store_save
product_type string yes display the type of the product with the max. length of 2 and min.length of 1
product_rating integer no display the ratings of the product
num_users_rated integer no display the number of users rated
scope_type string no display the type of the scope with the the max. length of 2 and min.length of 1
product_attributes array of sting no displays all the product attributes

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/product2​/api​/v2​/create_product

Example Body

 "name":"Battery 2",

**Example Response**
 "message":"Product and Product attribute created successfully",
    "product_name":"Battery 2",

3.1.10. Coupon APIs

These sets of APIs help to define a new coupon, coupon rule and associate an existing discount code to a coupon offer name. Coupon Rule

This API is used for creating coupons by applying some logic.

GET   dmcouponrule

Resource URI

<base URL>/dmcoupons/dmcouponrule

Resource Information

Method GET
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication NO

Resource Properties

No parameters are required to be passed.

Error Codes

400, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Bad Request Bad syntax or Validation error
500 Internal server error Failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/dmcoupons/dmcouponrule

Example Response

         "rule_name":"Order amount more than 500",
         "rule":"Order.mrp >= 500",
         "rule_error":"order amount less than 500"
         "rule_name":"order status in ORDER PLACED, CREATED, PAID",
         "validating_target":"Order Placed,created,paid",
         "rule":"Order.status in Order Placed,created,paid",
         "rule_error":"order status must be in ORDER PLACED, CREATED, PAID"
         "rule_name":"Order Amount  less than 500",
         "rule":"Order.mrp <= 500",
         "rule_error":"order amount must be less than 500"
         "rule_name":"order line item quantity at least 3",
         "rule":"OrderLineItem.quantity >= 3",
         "rule_error":"quantity must be 3 or more"
         "rule_name":"Order belonging Name \"Country\"",
         "rule":"OrderLineItem.product_belonging_name in Country",
         "rule_error":"Order belonging Name must be \"Country\""

Resource URI

<base URL>/dmcoupons/dmcouponrule

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication No

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
id integer no id of the coupon
rule_name string yes name of the rule max length is 55 min. length is 1
validating_module string no validation of the rule max length is 555. This is an optional field
validating_field string no field for validating max length is 555. This is an optional field
validator string no validating operators used in the rule like: ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=, in, not in, is, not is, datebetween, timebetween
validating_target string no target field of the validator
validating_target_type string no target type of the validator max length is 555. This is an optional field
rule string no rule defining for the coupon max length is 5555. This is an optional field
allow boolean no  
rule_error string no error message of the rule max length: 555. This is an optional field

Error Codes

400, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Bad Request Bad syntax or Validation error
500 Internal server error Failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/dmcoupons/dmcouponrule

Example Body

   "rule_name": "Rule1",
   "validating_module": "Order Amount",
   "validating_field": "mrp",
   "validator": "==",
   "validating_target": "100",
   "validating_target_type": "FloatField",
   "rule": "MRP == 100",
   "allow": true,
   "rule_error": "MRP is not Rs 100"

Example Response

   "validating_module":"Order Amount",
   "rule":"MRP == 100",
   "rule_error":"MRP is not Rs 100"
} Coupon Offer

This API is used to provide a coupon offer.

GET   dmcouponoffer

Resource URI

<base URL>/dmcoupons/dmcouponoffer

Resource Information

Method GET
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication No

Resource Properties

No parameters are required to be passed.

Error Codes

400, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Bad Request Bad syntax or Validation error
500 Internal server error Failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/dmcoupons/dmcouponoffer

Example Response


POST   dmcouponoffer

Resource URI

<base URL>/dmcoupons/dmcouponoffer

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication No

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
id integer no id of the coupon
offer_name string yes name of the offer max length is 55 min. length is 1
coupon_offer integer yes the name of the coupon offer
coupon_offer_percentage boolean no offer amount in price/percentage
coupon_rule_or integer no array of rules/rule id with OR logic
coupon_rule_and integer no array of rules/rule id with AND logic


Users must get rule id from dmcouponrule api

Error Codes

400, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Bad Request Bad syntax or Validation error
500 Internal server error Failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/dmcoupons/dmcouponoffer

Example Body

  "offer_name": "TestOffer12",
  "coupon_offer": "20",
  "coupen_offer_percentage": true,
  "coupon_rule_or": [1],
  "coupon_rule_and": [1]

Example Response

} Coupon

This API is used for creating coupon.

GET   dmcoupon

Resource URI

<base URL>/dmcoupons/dmcoupon

Resource Information

Method GET
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication No

Resource Properties

No parameters are required to be passed.

Error Codes

400, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Bad Request Bad syntax or Validation error
500 Internal server error Failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/dmcoupons/dmcoupon

Example Response



POST   dmcoupon

Resource URI

<base URL>/dmcoupons/dmcoupon

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication No

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
id integer no id of the coupon
coupon_ticket string yes name for the coupon ticket max length is 55 min. length is 1
coupon_offer integer no array of the offers/offers id
coupon_store integer no store id
coupon_vendor integer no vendor id
starts_on string yes the offer start date it must be in the format of Date(yyyy-mm-dd)
expires_on string yes the offer end date it must be in the format of Date(yyyy-mm-dd)


User must get the value of get offer id from Coupon Offer api.

Error Codes

400, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Bad Request Bad syntax or Validation error
500 Internal server error Failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/dmcoupons/dmcoupon

Example Body


Example Response

} Consume Coupon

POST   consumecoupon

Resource URI

<base URL> /dmcoupons/consumecoupon

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
coupon_ticket string no name of the coupon ticket max length is 200 min. length is 1
offer_name string no name of the offer max length is 200 min. length is 1
order_amount string no the amount of the order This is an optional field

Error Codes

400, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Bad Request Bad syntax or Validation error
500 Internal server error Failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/dmcoupons/consumecoupon


It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Example Body

 "Description":"Coupon Successfully applied"

Example Response

 "Description":"Coupon Successfully applied"
} Validate Coupon

POST   validatecoupon

Resource URI

<base URL> /dmcoupons/validatecoupon

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
coupon_ticket string yes name of the coupon ticket max length is 200 min. length is 1
order_amount string no amount of the order. This is an optional field
product_id string no id of the product max length is 200 min. length is 1
order_status string no status of the order max length is 200 min. length is 1
order_quantity string no quantity of the order max length is 200 min. length is 1
product _belonging_name string no product owner name max length is 200 min. length is 1
product_group_id string no id of the product group max length is 200 min. length is 1


It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Error Codes

400, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Bad Request Bad syntax or Validation error
500 Internal server error Failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/dmcoupons/validatecoupon

Example Body


Example Response

   "message":"successfully retrieve the offers avaible for coupon"

3.1.11. Journey APIs Track Package

This API is used for tracking the items.

GET   track_package

Resource URI

<base URL> /order/api/track_package?order_line_item_id={id}

Resource Information

Method GET
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication No

Resource Properties

No parameters are required to be passed.

Error Codes

4XX, 5XX

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
4XX or 5XX failure Bad Request/Internal server error

Example Request

<base URL>/order/api/track_package?order_line_item_id={id}

Example Response

      "module_name":"Order Placed",
      "start_time":"2021-07-15 08:16",
      "completion_time":"2021-07-15 08:16",
      "module_name":"Order InTransit",
      "start_time":"2021-07-15 08:16",
      "completion_time":"2021-07-15 08:16",
      "module_name":"Order Complete",
      "start_time":"2021-07-15 08:16",
      "completion_time":"2021-07-15 08:16",
] Call Back

POST   call_back

Resource URI

<base URL>/modules/call_back

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication N0

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
journey_id integer no product journey id
journey_type string yes product journey type
journey_group_id integer yes product journey group id
order_line_item_id integer yes id of the order
key string no if value is ‘initial’ considered as stage1

Error Codes

4XX, 5XX

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
4XX or 5XX Failure Bad Request/Internal server error

Example Request

<base URL>/modules/call_back


Required parameters value can be taken from List customer order API.

- journey_group_id
- order_line_item_id: from ‘line_item_id’

Predefined values

- journey_type :-
  • order
  • onboard
  • store
  • vendor

Example Body


Example Response

   "message":"Order Journey completed successfully"
} Order Journey Call Back

POST   order_journey_call_back_hook

Resource URI

<base URL>/modules/order_journey_call_back_hook

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication NO

Resource Properties

Parameter Type Data Type Mandatory Description
order_line_item_id integer yes order id of the product
flow_id integer yes id of the flow
status_code integer yes code associated with the order
response_text string no  
reason string no  
host string no  
sender_info sender_type   yes contains payment/shipment reference details (according to the caller)
Identifiers primary _identifier   yes payment/Shipment related information
Eta   no expected time of arrival
vendor_notes   no information written by vendor
customer_notes   no information written by customers


order_line_item_id has be taken from list_customer_orders API. Click here to see the details.
flow_id has be taken from track_package. Click here to see the details.

Error Codes

400, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Bad Request Bad syntax or Validation error
500 Internal server error Failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/modules/order_journey_call_back_hook

Example Body

   "response_text":"{'success': 'success'}",
   "vendor_notes":"Can be processed",
   "customer_notes":"Thank you"

Example Response

   "message":"Journey stopped at mannual phase except response to call_back api to continue further"
   "message":"Journey continued"

PUT   order_journey_call_back_hook

Resource URI

<base URL>/modules/order_journey_call_back_hook

Resource Information

Method PUT
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication NO

Resource Properties

Parameter Type Data Type Mandatory Description
order_line_item_id integer yes order id of the product
flow_id integer yes id of the flow
status_code integer yes code associated with the order
response_text string no  
reason string no  
host string no  
sender_info sender_type   yes contains payment/shipment reference details (according to the caller)
Identifiers primary _identifier   yes payment/Shipment related information
Eta   no expected time of arrival
vendor_notes   no information written by vendor
customer_notes   no information written by customers


order_line_item_id has be taken from <base URL>/customer2/list_customer_orders API. Click here to see the details.
flow_id has be taken from <base URL>/order/api/track_package?order_line_item_id={id}. Click here to see the details.

Error Codes

400, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Bad Request Bad syntax or Validation error
500 Internal server error Failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/modules/order_journey_call_back_hook

Example Body

   "response_text":"{'success': 'success response'}",
   "vendor_notes":"Can be processed",
   "customer_notes":"Thank you"

Example Response

    "message": "Flow details updated successfully"

3.1.12. Delivery Slot API List Delivery Slots

This API is used to list all delivery slots booked by a customer in the store.

POST   list_delivery_slots

Resource URI

<base URL>/customer2/list_delivery_slots

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication No

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
vendor_id integer no id of the vendor. Use Vendor Save api to get the vendor id
store_id integer no id of the store. Store_id is dependend on create store. Use Store Save api to get the store id
date string yes date of the delivery slot

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/customer2/list_delivery_slots

Example Body


Example Response

   "message":"Listing Sucessful",
         "slot":"07:30 - 08:00",
         "status":"Awaiting Vendor Response",

3.1.13. Order API Cancel Orders

POST   cancel_orders

Resource URI

<base URL>/customer2/cancel_orders

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
order_id integer no the id of the order. Use create order api to get the order id
line_item_id integer no the order line item id
flow_id integer no the flow id

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside


It is required to pass the auth_token in Authorization header.

Example Request

<base URL>/customer2/cancel_orders

Example Body


Example Response

   "message":"Cancelled Orders Sucessfully",
} Check Payment Status

This API is used to check the payment status.

POST   check_payment_status

Resource URI

<base URL> /order​/api​/check_payment_status

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication No

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
payment_order_id string no id of the payment order with the min. length is 1
dm_order_id_ref string no reference id of the DM order

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/order​/api​/check_payment_status

Example Body


Example Response

} Save Payment Mapping

This API is used to check the payment status.

POST   save_payment_mapping

This API is used to check the payment status.

Resource URI

<base URL>/order/api/save_payment_mapping

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication No

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
created_at string yes displays the created date and time
dm_order_id_ref integer no reference id of the DM order
signature string yes displays the string with the min. length of 1
payment_id integer yes id of the payment order with th min. length is 1
payment_status string yes get the payment status order
order integer no displays the order id

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/order/api/save_payment_mapping

Example Body


Example Response





3.1.14. Vendor API Vendor Save

This API is used to save the vendor in digit market platform.

POST   vendor_save


A store turns active only if a store owner is associated with it
Only DM users can consume this API and create a store, hence a valid DM market user id is mandatory

Resource URI

<base URL>vendor2/api/vendor_save

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication No

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
id integer no displays the id
vendor_name string yes the name of the vendor. Max. length is 128 and min. length is 1
vendor_status array of string no the status of the vendor the available options are 1,2,3,4
createdDate string no displays the date and time of the vendor created
lastupdated string no displays the last updated date and time of the vendor
ratings numberr no displays the ratings of the vendor
nums_users_rated integer no displays the number of users rated the vendor with a max of 2147483647 and min of -2147483648
onboard boolean no displays the onboard
onboard_status string no displays the onboard status with the max length of 254
tos string no richtext
policy string no displays the policy
trg_journey_status string no displays the traget of the journey vendor created
trg_journey_id string no displays the target journey id with the max length 20
onboard_process array of string no displays the onboard process with the values 1,2
application_id string no displays the application id with the max. length of 254
payment_account_id string no displays the id of the payment
vendor_type_ref integer no  
store integer no  
createdBy integer no  
usere_type integer no  

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>vendor2/api/vendor_save

Example Body


Example Response


3.1.15. Enquiry API Create Enquiry

This API is used to request a new enquiry to get the information of your interest.

POST   create_enquiry

Resource URI

<base URL> /enquiry/create_enquiry

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
category_id integer yes id of the category. Use Create Category api to get the category id
vendor_id integer yes id of the vendor. Use Vendor Save api to get the vendor id
product_id integer yes id of the product. Use Create Product api to get the product id
store_id integer yes id of the storey. Use Store Save api to get the store id
product_group_id integer yes displays the product group id
message sender_type array of string yes displays sender type. The available options are customer and vendor
user_name string yes displays the username with the min. length of 1
message_type string yes displays the type of the message with length of 1
message string yes displays the message with min. length 1

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/enquiry/create_enquiry

Example Body


  **Example Response**
 "message":"Enquiry Created Successfully"
} List Enquiry

This API is used to request a new enquiry to get the information of your interest.

POST   list_enquiry

Resource URI

<base URL> /enquiry/list_enquiry

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication No

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
customer_id integer no id of the customer. Use register api to get customer id
store_id integer yes id of the storey. Use Store Save api to get the store id
vendor_id integer no id of the vendor. Use Vendor Save api to get the vendor id
user_type string yes displays the user type available options are user and vedor

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL/enquiry/list_enquiry

Customer Enquiry

Example Body


  **Example Response**
   "message":"Customer Enquiry Retrieved Sucessfully",
               "datetime":"2021-09-23 06:12:55",
               "user_name":"Torry Harris",
         "lastSeen_by_vendor":"2021-09-23 07:53:24.261922",
         "product_belonging_name":"Scampi 2 Kg",

                              "product_name":"Scampi (Giant Prawns/Jhinga/Seegadi)",
                                    "Product Image":{
                                       "attr_value":"Scampi (Giant Prawns/Jhinga/Seegadi)"
                                       "attr_name":"Product Image",


                                                         "product_form_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                                         "product_form_scope":"To All",
                                                               "attribute_description":"Today's offer",
                                                               "attribute_value":"Today's offer",
                                                               "attribute_description":"Fresh and delicious cat fish steaks",
                                                               "attribute_name":"Short Description",
                                                               "attribute_value":"Fresh and delicious cat fish steaks",
                                                               "attribute_name":"Profile Image",
                                                               "attribute_name":"List Image",
                                                               "attribute_name":"Stock Quantity",
                                                               "attribute_name":"Apply Delivery Charge",
                                                               "attribute_name":"Is Slashable",
                                                               "attribute_name":"Is Fixed Price",
                                                               "attribute_name":"Is Watchable",
                                                               "attribute_name":"Watchable Content",
                                                               "attribute_name":"Is a Game",
                                                               "attribute_name":"Game URL",
                                                               "attribute_name":"Is Region Restricted",
                                                   "product_formset_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                                   "product_formset_scope":"To All",
                                                         "product_form_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                                         "product_form_scope":"To All",
                                                               "attribute_description":"2 Kg",
                                                               "attribute_name":"Net Weight",
                                                               "attribute_value":"2 Kg",
                                                   "product_formset_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                                   "product_formset_scope":"To All",
                                                         "product_form_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                                         "product_form_scope":"To All",
                                                               "attribute_description":"<p><iframe frameborder=\"0\" src=\"//www.youtube.com/embed/Z4AXnZOsrK8\" width=\"640\" height=\"360\" class=\"note-video-clip\"></iframe><br></p>",
                                                               "attribute_value":"<p><iframe frameborder=\"0\" src=\"//www.youtube.com/embed/Z4AXnZOsrK8\" width=\"640\" height=\"360\" class=\"note-video-clip\"></iframe><br></p>",
                                                   "product_formset_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                                   "product_formset_scope":"To All",
                                                   "product_formset_belonging_name":"What you get",
                                                         "product_form_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                                         "product_form_scope":"To All",
                                                               "attribute_description":"<div class=\"middle-container-image\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 1039.19px; height: 330px; overflow: hidden; position: relative; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87); font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904375.3054--2018-02-0613:36:15--260\" class=\"containerImage1 fading\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904375.3054--2018-02-0613:36:15--260\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; height: 330px; position: absolute; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 550ms linear 0s;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904247.8084--2018-02-0613:34:07--260\" class=\"containerImage2\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904247.8084--2018-02-0613:34:07--260\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; height: 330px; position: absolute; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 550ms linear 0s;\"></div><div class=\"container pdp-info reveal\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 1150px; margin-top: -435px; margin-bottom: 0px; max-width: 1280px; position: relative; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87); font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;\"><div class=\"product-page-info\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 632.5px; height: 360px; position: absolute; top: 87px; background: rgb(245, 245, 245); opacity: 0.95; right: 36.7969px; padding: 20px 30px; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 0px 18px 0px;\"><div class=\"info-title\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(98, 98, 98, 0.19); font-family: Lato; font-size: 18px; font-weight: 700; color: grey; padding-bottom: 15px; display: flex; width: 572.5px; justify-content: space-between;\"><div class=\"desc1\" data-pdplabel=\"ProductDetailPage - What you get\" data-gaaction=\"Click - Impression\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; display: inline-block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; flex: 1 1 0%;\"><span data-id=\"1\" data-imgurl=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904375.3054--2018-02-0613:36:15--260\" class=\"nav-active\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; color: rgb(226, 15, 43); border-radius: 2px; border-bottom: 3px solid rgb(226, 15, 43); padding: 16px 0px;\">What you get</span></div><div class=\"desc1\" data-pdplabel=\"ProductDetailPage - Sourcing\" data-gaaction=\"Click - Impression\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; display: inline-block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; flex: 1 1 0%;\"><br></div></div><div class=\"info-Blocks\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><div class=\"history-block dataId1 method\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><div class=\"info-title-left\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><p style=\"box-sizing: inherit; font-family: Lato; font-size: 18px; font-weight: 700; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); margin-top: 10px;\">What's in your Box</p></div><div class=\"slimScrollDiv\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: auto; height: 220px;\"><div class=\"info-title-desc\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; overflow: hidden; width: auto; height: 220px;\"><div class=\"left-half\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 572.5px; display: inline-block;\"><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Hook-fished</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Fish straight off the coast</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Stringent food-safety inspection</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Caught &amp; cut the same day</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Scaled and cleaned in RO-water</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Artisanal butchery</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Net weight of prepped meat only</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Hygienically vacuum-packed</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Temperature controlled</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">100% chemical free</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Environmentally responsible fishing</span></li></div>&nbsp;<div class=\"right-half\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 572.5px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top;\"><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/no.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/no.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Frozen fish</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/no.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/no.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Fish older than 18 hours or more</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/no.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/no.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Mix of different species</span></li></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>",
                                                               "attribute_value":"<div class=\"middle-container-image\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 1039.19px; height: 330px; overflow: hidden; position: relative; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87); font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904375.3054--2018-02-0613:36:15--260\" class=\"containerImage1 fading\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904375.3054--2018-02-0613:36:15--260\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; height: 330px; position: absolute; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 550ms linear 0s;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904247.8084--2018-02-0613:34:07--260\" class=\"containerImage2\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904247.8084--2018-02-0613:34:07--260\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; height: 330px; position: absolute; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 550ms linear 0s;\"></div><div class=\"container pdp-info reveal\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 1150px; margin-top: -435px; margin-bottom: 0px; max-width: 1280px; position: relative; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87); font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;\"><div class=\"product-page-info\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 632.5px; height: 360px; position: absolute; top: 87px; background: rgb(245, 245, 245); opacity: 0.95; right: 36.7969px; padding: 20px 30px; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 0px 18px 0px;\"><div class=\"info-title\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(98, 98, 98, 0.19); font-family: Lato; font-size: 18px; font-weight: 700; color: grey; padding-bottom: 15px; display: flex; width: 572.5px; justify-content: space-between;\"><div class=\"desc1\" data-pdplabel=\"ProductDetailPage - What you get\" data-gaaction=\"Click - Impression\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; display: inline-block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; flex: 1 1 0%;\"><span data-id=\"1\" data-imgurl=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904375.3054--2018-02-0613:36:15--260\" class=\"nav-active\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; color: rgb(226, 15, 43); border-radius: 2px; border-bottom: 3px solid rgb(226, 15, 43); padding: 16px 0px;\">What you get</span></div><div class=\"desc1\" data-pdplabel=\"ProductDetailPage - Sourcing\" data-gaaction=\"Click - Impression\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; display: inline-block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; flex: 1 1 0%;\"><br></div></div><div class=\"info-Blocks\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><div class=\"history-block dataId1 method\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><div class=\"info-title-left\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><p style=\"box-sizing: inherit; font-family: Lato; font-size: 18px; font-weight: 700; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); margin-top: 10px;\">What's in your Box</p></div><div class=\"slimScrollDiv\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: auto; height: 220px;\"><div class=\"info-title-desc\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; overflow: hidden; width: auto; height: 220px;\"><div class=\"left-half\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 572.5px; display: inline-block;\"><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Hook-fished</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Fish straight off the coast</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Stringent food-safety inspection</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Caught &amp; cut the same day</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Scaled and cleaned in RO-water</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Artisanal butchery</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Net weight of prepped meat only</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Hygienically vacuum-packed</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Temperature controlled</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">100% chemical free</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Environmentally responsible fishing</span></li></div>&nbsp;<div class=\"right-half\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 572.5px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top;\"><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/no.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/no.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Frozen fish</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/no.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/no.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Fish older than 18 hours or more</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/no.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/no.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Mix of different species</span></li></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>",
                                                   "product_formsetname":"What you get",
                                                   "product_formset_storefront_ui_name":"What you get",
                                                   "product_formset_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                                   "product_formset_scope":"To All",
                                                         "product_form_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                                         "product_form_scope":"To All",
                                                               "attribute_description":"<div class=\"middle-container-image\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 1039.19px; height: 330px; overflow: hidden; position: relative; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87); font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904375.3054--2018-02-0613:36:15--260\" class=\"containerImage1\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904375.3054--2018-02-0613:36:15--260\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; height: 330px; position: absolute; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 550ms linear 0s;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904247.8084--2018-02-0613:34:07--260\" class=\"containerImage2 fading\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904247.8084--2018-02-0613:34:07--260\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; height: 330px; position: absolute; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 550ms linear 0s;\"></div><div class=\"container pdp-info reveal\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 1150px; margin-top: -435px; margin-bottom: 0px; max-width: 1280px; position: relative; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87); font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;\"><div class=\"product-page-info\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 632.5px; height: 360px; position: absolute; top: 87px; background: rgb(245, 245, 245); opacity: 0.95; right: 36.7969px; padding: 20px 30px; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 0px 18px 0px;\"><div class=\"info-title\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(98, 98, 98, 0.19); font-family: Lato; font-size: 18px; font-weight: 700; color: grey; padding-bottom: 15px; display: flex; width: 572.5px; justify-content: space-between;\"><div class=\"desc1\" data-pdplabel=\"ProductDetailPage - Sourcing\" data-gaaction=\"Click - Impression\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; display: inline-block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; flex: 1 1 0%;\"><span data-id=\"2\" data-imgurl=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904247.8084--2018-02-0613:34:07--260\" class=\"nav-active\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; color: rgb(226, 15, 43); border-radius: 2px; border-bottom: 3px solid rgb(226, 15, 43); padding: 16px 0px;\">Sourcing</span></div></div><div class=\"info-Blocks\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><div class=\"source-block dataId2 method\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><div class=\"slimScrollDiv\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: auto; height: 250px;\"><div class=\"source-desc\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; overflow: hidden; width: auto; height: 250px;\"><p style=\"box-sizing: inherit; font-family: Lato; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.47; color: rgb(85, 85, 85);\"><span data-sheets-value=\"{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;A favourite among fish &amp; seafood connoisseurs, Giant Prawns are freshly caught from Licious farms, under the supervision of expert fish technologists, so that only the safest and the freshest catch reaches you! . &quot;}\" data-sheets-userformat=\"{&quot;2&quot;:769,&quot;3&quot;:[null,0],&quot;11&quot;:4,&quot;12&quot;:0}\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;\">A favourite among fish &amp; seafood connoisseurs, Giant Prawns are freshly caught from Licious farms, under the supervision of expert fish technologists, so that only the safest and the freshest catch reaches you! .&nbsp;</span></p></div></div></div></div></div></div>",
                                                               "attribute_value":"<div class=\"middle-container-image\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 1039.19px; height: 330px; overflow: hidden; position: relative; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87); font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904375.3054--2018-02-0613:36:15--260\" class=\"containerImage1\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904375.3054--2018-02-0613:36:15--260\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; height: 330px; position: absolute; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 550ms linear 0s;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904247.8084--2018-02-0613:34:07--260\" class=\"containerImage2 fading\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904247.8084--2018-02-0613:34:07--260\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; height: 330px; position: absolute; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 550ms linear 0s;\"></div><div class=\"container pdp-info reveal\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 1150px; margin-top: -435px; margin-bottom: 0px; max-width: 1280px; position: relative; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87); font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;\"><div class=\"product-page-info\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 632.5px; height: 360px; position: absolute; top: 87px; background: rgb(245, 245, 245); opacity: 0.95; right: 36.7969px; padding: 20px 30px; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 0px 18px 0px;\"><div class=\"info-title\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(98, 98, 98, 0.19); font-family: Lato; font-size: 18px; font-weight: 700; color: grey; padding-bottom: 15px; display: flex; width: 572.5px; justify-content: space-between;\"><div class=\"desc1\" data-pdplabel=\"ProductDetailPage - Sourcing\" data-gaaction=\"Click - Impression\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; display: inline-block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; flex: 1 1 0%;\"><span data-id=\"2\" data-imgurl=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904247.8084--2018-02-0613:34:07--260\" class=\"nav-active\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; color: rgb(226, 15, 43); border-radius: 2px; border-bottom: 3px solid rgb(226, 15, 43); padding: 16px 0px;\">Sourcing</span></div></div><div class=\"info-Blocks\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><div class=\"source-block dataId2 method\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><div class=\"slimScrollDiv\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: auto; height: 250px;\"><div class=\"source-desc\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; overflow: hidden; width: auto; height: 250px;\"><p style=\"box-sizing: inherit; font-family: Lato; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.47; color: rgb(85, 85, 85);\"><span data-sheets-value=\"{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;A favourite among fish &amp; seafood connoisseurs, Giant Prawns are freshly caught from Licious farms, under the supervision of expert fish technologists, so that only the safest and the freshest catch reaches you! . &quot;}\" data-sheets-userformat=\"{&quot;2&quot;:769,&quot;3&quot;:[null,0],&quot;11&quot;:4,&quot;12&quot;:0}\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;\">A favourite among fish &amp; seafood connoisseurs, Giant Prawns are freshly caught from Licious farms, under the supervision of expert fish technologists, so that only the safest and the freshest catch reaches you! .&nbsp;</span></p></div></div></div></div></div></div>",
                                                   "product_formset_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                                   "product_formset_scope":"To All",

                                                   "attr_value":"Today's offer",
                                                   "attr_name":"Short Description",
                                                   "attr_value":"Fresh and delicious cat fish steaks",
                                                   "attr_name":"Net Weight",
                                                   "attr_value":"2 Kg",
                                                   "attr_value":"<p><iframe frameborder=\"0\" src=\"//www.youtube.com/embed/Z4AXnZOsrK8\" width=\"640\" height=\"360\" class=\"note-video-clip\"></iframe><br></p>",
                                                   "attr_value":"<div class=\"middle-container-image\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 1039.19px; height: 330px; overflow: hidden; position: relative; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87); font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904375.3054--2018-02-0613:36:15--260\" class=\"containerImage1 fading\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904375.3054--2018-02-0613:36:15--260\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; height: 330px; position: absolute; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 550ms linear 0s;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904247.8084--2018-02-0613:34:07--260\" class=\"containerImage2\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904247.8084--2018-02-0613:34:07--260\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; height: 330px; position: absolute; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 550ms linear 0s;\"></div><div class=\"container pdp-info reveal\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 1150px; margin-top: -435px; margin-bottom: 0px; max-width: 1280px; position: relative; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87); font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;\"><div class=\"product-page-info\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 632.5px; height: 360px; position: absolute; top: 87px; background: rgb(245, 245, 245); opacity: 0.95; right: 36.7969px; padding: 20px 30px; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 0px 18px 0px;\"><div class=\"info-title\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(98, 98, 98, 0.19); font-family: Lato; font-size: 18px; font-weight: 700; color: grey; padding-bottom: 15px; display: flex; width: 572.5px; justify-content: space-between;\"><div class=\"desc1\" data-pdplabel=\"ProductDetailPage - What you get\" data-gaaction=\"Click - Impression\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; display: inline-block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; flex: 1 1 0%;\"><span data-id=\"1\" data-imgurl=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904375.3054--2018-02-0613:36:15--260\" class=\"nav-active\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; color: rgb(226, 15, 43); border-radius: 2px; border-bottom: 3px solid rgb(226, 15, 43); padding: 16px 0px;\">What you get</span></div><div class=\"desc1\" data-pdplabel=\"ProductDetailPage - Sourcing\" data-gaaction=\"Click - Impression\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; display: inline-block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; flex: 1 1 0%;\"><br></div></div><div class=\"info-Blocks\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><div class=\"history-block dataId1 method\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><div class=\"info-title-left\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><p style=\"box-sizing: inherit; font-family: Lato; font-size: 18px; font-weight: 700; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); margin-top: 10px;\">What's in your Box</p></div><div class=\"slimScrollDiv\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: auto; height: 220px;\"><div class=\"info-title-desc\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; overflow: hidden; width: auto; height: 220px;\"><div class=\"left-half\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 572.5px; display: inline-block;\"><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Hook-fished</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Fish straight off the coast</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Stringent food-safety inspection</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Caught &amp; cut the same day</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Scaled and cleaned in RO-water</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Artisanal butchery</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Net weight of prepped meat only</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Hygienically vacuum-packed</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Temperature controlled</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">100% chemical free</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/yes.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Environmentally responsible fishing</span></li></div>&nbsp;<div class=\"right-half\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 572.5px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top;\"><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/no.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/no.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Frozen fish</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/no.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/no.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Fish older than 18 hours or more</span></li><li style=\"box-sizing: inherit; list-style-type: none; padding: 5px 0px;\"><span class=\"right-wrong\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/no.png\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/liciousdev/Banner/no.png\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 18px;\"></span><span class=\"list-text\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; margin-left: 10px; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); font-size: 13px; font-family: Lato;\">Mix of different species</span></li></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>",
                                                   "attr_value":"<div class=\"middle-container-image\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 1039.19px; height: 330px; overflow: hidden; position: relative; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87); font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904375.3054--2018-02-0613:36:15--260\" class=\"containerImage1\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904375.3054--2018-02-0613:36:15--260\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; height: 330px; position: absolute; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 550ms linear 0s;\"><img data-lazy=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904247.8084--2018-02-0613:34:07--260\" class=\"containerImage2 fading\" src=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904247.8084--2018-02-0613:34:07--260\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; height: 330px; position: absolute; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 550ms linear 0s;\"></div><div class=\"container pdp-info reveal\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 1150px; margin-top: -435px; margin-bottom: 0px; max-width: 1280px; position: relative; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87); font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;\"><div class=\"product-page-info\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; width: 632.5px; height: 360px; position: absolute; top: 87px; background: rgb(245, 245, 245); opacity: 0.95; right: 36.7969px; padding: 20px 30px; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 0px 18px 0px;\"><div class=\"info-title\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(98, 98, 98, 0.19); font-family: Lato; font-size: 18px; font-weight: 700; color: grey; padding-bottom: 15px; display: flex; width: 572.5px; justify-content: space-between;\"><div class=\"desc1\" data-pdplabel=\"ProductDetailPage - Sourcing\" data-gaaction=\"Click - Impression\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; display: inline-block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; flex: 1 1 0%;\"><span data-id=\"2\" data-imgurl=\"https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/licious/pdp/1517904247.8084--2018-02-0613:34:07--260\" class=\"nav-active\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; color: rgb(226, 15, 43); border-radius: 2px; border-bottom: 3px solid rgb(226, 15, 43); padding: 16px 0px;\">Sourcing</span></div></div><div class=\"info-Blocks\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><div class=\"source-block dataId2 method\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit;\"><div class=\"slimScrollDiv\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: auto; height: 250px;\"><div class=\"source-desc\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; overflow: hidden; width: auto; height: 250px;\"><p style=\"box-sizing: inherit; font-family: Lato; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.47; color: rgb(85, 85, 85);\"><span data-sheets-value=\"{&quot;1&quot;:2,&quot;2&quot;:&quot;A favourite among fish &amp; seafood connoisseurs, Giant Prawns are freshly caught from Licious farms, under the supervision of expert fish technologists, so that only the safest and the freshest catch reaches you! . &quot;}\" data-sheets-userformat=\"{&quot;2&quot;:769,&quot;3&quot;:[null,0],&quot;11&quot;:4,&quot;12&quot;:0}\" style=\"box-sizing: inherit; font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial;\">A favourite among fish &amp; seafood connoisseurs, Giant Prawns are freshly caught from Licious farms, under the supervision of expert fish technologists, so that only the safest and the freshest catch reaches you! .&nbsp;</span></p></div></div></div></div></div></div>",
                                                   "attr_name":"Profile Image",
                                                   "attr_name":"List Image",
                                                   "attr_name":"Stock Quantity",
                                                   "attr_name":"Apply Delivery Charge",
                                                   "attr_name":"Is Slashable",
                                                   "attr_name":"Is Fixed Price",
                                                   "attr_name":"Is Watchable",
                                                   "attr_name":"Watchable Content",
                                                   "attr_name":"Is a Game",
                                                   "attr_name":"Game URL",
                                                   "attr_name":"Is Region Restricted",
                                             "product_belonging_name":"Scampi 2 Kg",




               "message":"Hi Please",
               "datetime":"2021-09-14 11:01:51",
               "user_name":"Torry Harris",
               "message":"How r u",
               "datetime":"2021-09-23 13:22:14",
               "user_name":"Torry Harris",
         "lastSeen_by_vendor":"2021-09-23 07:52:36.118413",
         "lastSeen_by_user":"2021-09-23 07:53:47.256215",

                                    "Product Image":{
                                       "attr_name":"Product Image",


                                                         "product_form_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                                         "product_form_scope":"To All",
                                                               "attribute_name":"Short Description",
                                                               "attribute_description":"Currently not on offer",
                                                               "attribute_value":"Currently not on offer",
                                                               "attribute_name":"Profile Image",
                                                               "attribute_name":"List Image",
                                                               "attribute_name":"profile video",
                                                               "attribute_name":"list video",
                                                               "attribute_name":"Stock Quantity",
                                                               "attribute_name":"Apply Delivery Charge",
                                                               "attribute_name":"Is Slashable",
                                                               "attribute_name":"Is Fixed Price",
                                                               "attribute_name":"Is Watchable",
                                                               "attribute_name":"Watchable Content",
                                                               "attribute_name":"Is a Game",
                                                               "attribute_name":"Game URL",
                                                               "attribute_name":"Is Region Restricted",
                                                   "product_formset_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                                   "product_formset_scope":"To All",
                                                         "product_form_type":"BASIC PRODUCT INFO",
                                                         "product_form_scope":"To All",
                                                               "attribute_description":"0.250 Kg",
                                                               "attribute_name":"Net Weight",
                                                               "attribute_value":"0.250 Kg",
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Vendor Enquiry

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               "resource_json":"{\"1\": [\"media/store2/1/marine-fishes-2187519.jpeg\", \"media/store2/1/SampleVideo_1280x720_2mb - Copy.mp4\", \"media/store2/1/cookbook-review-socialtop-image.jpg\"], \"attribute_data\": {\"DisplayVideo\": {\"display_video\": [\"media/store2/1/SampleVideo_1280x720_2mb - Copy.mp4\"]}, \"DisplayLogo\": {\"display_logo\": [\"media/store2/1/marine-fishes-2187519.jpeg\"]}, \"DisplayImage\": {\"display_image\": [\"media/store2/1/cookbook-review-socialtop-image.jpg\"]}}, \"meta_data\": [{\"attr_name\": \"id\", \"attr_type\": \"id\", \"attr_value\": [\"1\"]}, {\"attr_name\": \"context\", \"attr_type\": \"context\", \"attr_value\": [\"dmstore\"]}, {\"attr_name\": \"Ext__DisplayLogo\", \"attr_type\": \"Ext__DisplayLogo\", \"attr_value\": [\"media/store2/1/marine-fishes-2187519.jpeg\"]}, {\"attr_name\": \"Ext__DisplayImage\", \"attr_type\": \"Ext__DisplayImage\", \"attr_value\": [\"media/store2/1/cookbook-review-socialtop-image.jpg\"]}, {\"attr_name\": \"DisplayVideo\", \"attr_type\": \"display_video\", \"attr_value\": [\"media/store2/1/SampleVideo_1280x720_2mb - Copy.mp4\"]}]}",
               "store_delivery_slots":"{\"has_delivery_charge\": true, \"delivery_charge\": 49, \"min_order_for_free_delivery\": 499, \"contact_us\": [{\"email\": \"abc@abc.com\", \"isd_code\": \"+91\", \"phone_number\": \"180000000\"}], \"region_restricted\": {\"is_india\": true, \"is_limited\": true, \"pincodes\": [\"560001\", \"560002\", \"560003\", \"560004\", \"560025\", \"560030\", \"560034\", \"560050\", \"560056\", \"560063\", \"560300\"]}, \"max_booking_window\": 3, \"delay_in_booking\": 1, \"store_delivery_slots\": [{\"attribute_name\": \"Parts Of The Day\", \"attribute_type\": \"parts_of_the_day\", \"attribute_value\": [{\"option\": \"Early Morning\", \"start_range\": \"5:00am\", \"end_range\": \"7:00am\", \"num_booking_per_slot\": 5, \"slots_duration_in_mins\": 30, \"max_booking_window\": 5, \"delay_in_booking\": 1}, {\"option\": \"Morning\", \"start_range\": \"7:00am\", \"end_range\": \"11:00am\", \"num_booking_per_slot\": 5, \"slots_duration_in_mins\": 10, \"max_booking_window\": 5, \"delay_in_booking\": 1}, {\"option\": \"Mid Day\", \"start_range\": \"11:00am\", \"end_range\": \"1:00pm\", \"num_booking_per_slot\": 5, \"slots_duration_in_mins\": 15, \"max_booking_window\": 5, \"delay_in_booking\": 1}]}, {\"attribute_name\": \"Exclude Dates\", \"attribute_type\": \"exclude_dates\", \"attribute_value\": [{\"option\": \"06/01/2021\"}, {\"option\": \"05/28/2021\"}]}, {\"attribute_name\": \"Exclude Days\", \"attribute_type\": \"exclude_days\", \"attribute_value\": [{\"option\": \"Saturday\"}, {\"option\": \"Sunday\"}]}]}"
               "resource_json":"{\"24\": [\"media/store2/1/category2/24/1.jpg\"], \"attribute_data\": {\"Category Image\": {\"display_image\": [\"media/store2/1/category2/24/1.jpg\"]}}, \"meta_data\": [{\"attr_name\": \"category_id\", \"attr_type\": \"category_id\", \"attr_value\": [\"24\"]}, {\"attr_name\": \"Category Image\", \"attr_type\": \"display_image\", \"attr_value\": [\"media/store2/1/category2/24/1.jpg\"]}]}",
} Update Enquiry

This API is used to edit or update the enquiry message.

POST   update_enquiry

Resource URI

<base URL> /enquiry/update_enquiry

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
enquiry_id integer yes id of the equiry
user_type array of string yes displays the type of the user. The available options are customer and vendor
user_id integer yes displays the user id
category_id integer yes id of the category. Use Create Category api to get the category id
vendor_id integer yes id of the vendor. Use Vendor Save api to get the vendor id
product_id integer yes id of the product. Use Create Product api to get the product id
store_id integer yes id of the store. Use Store Save api to get the store id
product_group_id integer yes displays the product group id
message sender_type array of string yes displays sender type. The available options are customer and vendor
user_name string yes displays the username with the min. length of 1
message_type string yes displays the type of the message with length of 1
message string yes displays the message with min. length 1

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL>/enquiry/update_enquiry

Example Body

       "user_name":"Torry Harris",

  **Example Response**
   "message": "Enquiry Updated Successfully"

Update Enquiry Lastseen

This API is used to update the last seen time of the enquiry message.

POST   update_enquiry_lastseen

Resource URI

<base URL> /enquiry/update_enquiry_lastseen

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
enquiry_id integer yes id of the equiry
user_type array of string yes displays the type of the user. The available options are customer and vendor

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL> /enquiry/update_enquiry_lastseen

Example Body


  **Example Response**
 "message": "customer Last Seen Updated Successfully"
} Close Enquiry

This API is used to close the enquiry, once it is answered.

POST   close_enquiry

Resource URI

<base URL> /enquiry/close_enquiry

Resource Information

Method POST
Accepted Response formats JSON
Requires Authentication Yes

Resource Properties

Parameter Data Type Mandatory Description
enquiry_id integer yes id of the equiry
user_type array of string yes displays the type of the user. The available options are customer and vendor

Error Codes

400, 401, 404, 500

Error Scenarios

Error Code Error Message Error Reason
400 Store does not exist when you try to get a response without entering the details
401 unauthorized lacks authentication credentials
404 page not found content may be removed or moved
500 internal server error failing from client serverside

Example Request

<base URL> /enquiry/close_enquiry

Example Body


  **Example Response**
 "message": "Enquiry Closed by Vendor"